Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Once Upon a Whim: Part 1- Running: Preparation

Once upon a whim, I decided to go running.

Again... What?

I’ve tried it before, but it didn’t work out.

  It was none of the above, but let’s just say my experience most closely resembled the happy medium.

Let’s be clear here:
In previous gym classes, you know that one kid who always always finished the mile last, totally breathless? You know, that kid who was CLEARLY a walker? That kid? Well, that kid was me.
 Give the kid a break!*

I’m changing that.

Generally, I hate running. HATE IT.
Why? Because I’m bad at it.
Why am I bad at it? Because I don't ever practice.
Why don't I practice? Because I'm bad at it.

See a pattern?

Well, I’m changing that, too.

I know I CAN enjoy running.
Because I have enjoyed it in the past.
What? Didn’t I  just say I hated it?
Yes, but between the hatred, “Hey, this is actually pretty fun!!” showed up. It stayed for barely a nanosecond. But it showed up nonetheless.

So tomorrow morning, I will WAKE UP EARLY** and run. In my neighborhood. Ideally, I want to run until my legs fall off, because that would be a great success story, but realism calls. I need to spend at least twelve minutes running. Yes you read that correctly. That’s how dire the situation is.***

So that’s my plan.

Oh and one problem: All my running shoes are either too small for me or are not actual running shoes. Ehh. I’ll figure it out.
Hey. At least my jogging outfit doesn't look like this.

Let's do this.

*I just google-imaged "Hannah Montana." I blame you people
**What??? Woah!!!
*** Want more proof of how dire the situation is? I had to google “how to run properly” (links)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Once Upon A.. A... Something-or-Other.

Once upon a.. a... something-or-other. Blog number three and I'm already discouraged.

The carp and the deities have disappeared.
Vale Carpe Diem!!
It's just me now. My goals are hiding, probably under the bed along with dust bunnies and the third-person speak. I checked, though. I looked under there and all I found was this blog.
So here I am, dusting it off.
Me, if I lived in the 1950s and tables were blogs.

I'm reluctant to analyze myself on this blog. I know I desperately need a change of some sort, to take away from the staleness of my life at the moment.
If my life were a bowl of fries, I have a feeling they'd look like this.

If I talked about change and self-improvement and personal problems and yaddah yaddah blahblahblah,  then it becomes all about me, and then this blog's entertainment value diminishes.

So what to do now? Scare you all* off with ridiculously insignificant sickening overpersonal information? Use this blog as as an actual blog and share more of what's going on in my head? I like to be over-the-top, so I don't know how I'm going to balance this. We'll see.
I googled "over the top balanced"  and this was the first result. Yeah...

*(By  "you all," I'm flattering myself. I'm pretty much just talking to myself out in cyberspace. HEEELLLLLOOOOOO!!!! Cool! It echoes.)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Once Upon A Winter Break, Part 2: Of Carp and Deities

Once upon a winter break, Summer started her New Year’s resolutions.

Her list initially looked like this: 
   That list was too general and already accomplished. So she tried this: 
 Almost, but not quite.    She started a third attempt, but couldn't do it.   Ughhh these suck, she thought. Even if I make 'em, I'm sure to break 'em. But why? Why does that always happen? Because when Summer adjusts to the New Year, it's no longer New Year, it's just Year. Once Summer is on a title-less basis with Year, she no longer feels the need to impress him with a shmancy made-over version of herself, so she drops her resolutions.  So Summer went over to her good friend Day, and said "Day, I'm going to appreciate you this year. Every single time you show up, I'm going to call you by your title, New Day, and  appreciate every opportunity you give me" "Pfffffffffft," Day said. "Sorry sweetie, but I don't think you can do that. It's going to be tough.""No shitsu." Summer told him. "I know that. I can do it. It'll be more difficult than the time I found my way back from getting lost on the route to school, but I'll manage. Day, it's going to be hard to love you all the time, especially first thing in the morning, but I'm going to make an effort, and I WILL DO IT."  Carpe Diem,* world.
 * (American transliteration: Carp deity)